Important Notices
Important Notice to members: Fishing during Corona-virus crisis
The Welsh Government have announced that you are allowed to drive to go fishing as long as you stay local. The Government or NRW have not defined local, so it is up to the angling community to use common sense.The NRW website currently reads as follows:
Welsh Government allow angling in Wales as part of your daily exercise.
You should:
Fish within your local area
Follow the latest social distancing guidelines and stay at home guidance
Hold a valid fishing rod licence
Adhere to fisheries bylaws including the close season
Have permission from the fishery owner
You should not travel to Wales from England for the purpose of angling.
If you have any concerns over illegal fishing please report this to us on 0300 065 3000 so it can be investigated.
We encourage all members to be extremely cautious and strictly adhere to the Government Guidelines on social distancing and we ask you to take hand sanitiser with you to use after opening gates, climbing gates, crossing stiles, etc.
Landowners have been informed of the update
If you do go fishing, please abide by the new NRW bylaws as well as the rules of Ammanford and District Angling Association
An email has also been sent to members
Let me know if you have any queries.
Stay safe and tight lines
Best regards
Barry Hale
Urgent Message to members
We have received another complaint from Mr Williams who lives at the top of the lane leading to our car park at Tro Will. It seems that some members have been revving their vehicles loudly while going up the hill from the car park late at night. I myself have driven up this hill on many occasions without the need to over rev my engine late at night with no problems what so ever. It is not acceptable and has caused an imbalance in the good standing we have had over many years with Mr Williams and his family. I must point out at this point that we cannot say defiantly that the perpetrators are members of this association and could easily be joy riders or the like. In any event I would hope that all members that use the car park late at night ensure they keep the noise level to an absolute minimum when travelling the lane. In conjunction with Mr Williams we have agreed to try and pinpoint the persons responsible by identifying the car / van type and number plate. Mr Williams has agreed to try and get the registration of noisy vehicles so that we can rule out whether this nuisance is caused by members or other people using the lane at night. Please do your best reduce your speed and noise levels and if you see or hear other vehicles that are members revving the engine excessively report it to John Jones, secretary so he can cross check registration numbers. Ask yourself if you lived at the top of the lane would you be happy with high revving engines late at night.
Important changes to the club rules as of AGM 2015
These changes were introduced at the 2015 AGM so please read the new changes carefully.
1, Mandatory catch and release has now been introduced for sewin from 1st September to the end of the season. This means that you can no longer kill a sewin / sea trout after this date and must release the fish back into the river.
2, One hook only from 1st September. This means that you can only use one hook on your fly, spinner or any lure from the above date. So if you have a Rapala lure for instance fitted with two treble hooks you must remove one of the trebles before use. A fly for instance cannot have a flying treble attached so would be a single, double or treble only with no flying treble. We would prefer that you use barbless hooks but this will be up to you and is not a requirement. This rule has been introduced to leave as little damage on a spawning fish caught as possible.
3, Daily Catch Limit of two sewin/sea trout per 24 hour period from the start of the season up until compulsory catch and release date of 1st September. This also means that if you have caught and killed two sea trout sewin you must stop fishing and leave the river. However you can kill one fish and carry on fishing until you kill the next fish. Note - you cannot keep fishing under the excuse of targetting Salmon and must leave the water once the second sewin is killed.
4, Catch and Release of all fish over 6lb in weight. This rule is set only to try and encourage anglers to take only smaller fish and release the larger fish over 6lb as this size fish will lay three times more eggs than the smaller fish and hopefully help to grow the head of returning fish in comming seasons.
All these rules are introduced to try and curb the declining stocks of Sea Trout and cannot work without your help. Please do try and work with us on the issue of catch and release or we may find that we no longer have any fish left running our waters which would be a bad thing for us all as fishermen.