1. That this association is called “The Ammanford and District Angling Association”. This may also be referred to as “association’ within this document.
2. No person shall be considered a member until he/she has taken out the Association’s Permit, after which he submits himself/herself to the rules of the Association. Permits are not transferable.
3. That fishing of the Association’s waters be restricted to members of the Association, who are expected to report any unauthorized person found fishing, so that action may be taken against them.
4. That the Membership Permit issued by the association must be produced for inspection when demanded by a Water Bailiff of the Natural Resources Wales (NRW); a Bailiff appointed by the Association; a Riparian Owner, or by any Member of the Association who produces his or her permit.
5. That the price of permits for all categories of membership shall be fixed by the Management Committee.
6. That the closing date for purchase of Permits shall be the 31st March each year. Persons attempting to take out a Permit after this date will be considered new members placed at the end of the waiting list and shall be eligible to pay a joining fee.
7. You are requested to fill in the club catch return form, which is part of your Permit renewal form. Failure to do this will result in your permit being refused.
8. All new applications for membership of the association will be discussed by committee prior to formal invitation to join. All new members shall pay a joining fee as fixed by the Management Committee.
9. All members must only fish on association waters during the statutory open fishing season. That the waters of the association shall be closed for fishing during the statutory closed fishing season.
10. All members must abide by current NRW (Natural Resources Wales) fishing by-laws. More detail can be found on the following link:
11. In addition to the NRW bylaws, all members shall also abide by the rules and bylaws of Ammanford and District Angling Association. See association website for further details
12. All Salmon caught on Association waters are to be released, in compliance with the new bylaws laid down by NRW. Anyone caught contravening this law will be barred from the Association.
13. In addition to the NRW bylaws in relation to catch and release of Sewin, all Sewin caught on association waters must be returned after August 31st. We also encourage catch and release of all migratory fish during the whole season.
14. During the period of May 1st – August 31st a maximum of 2 Sewin per 24 hours to be kept on association waters. Once you kill and keep your second fish, you must finish fishing. If you kill one fish, you can continue fishing on a catch and release basis, until you decide to kill your second fish, at which point you must stop fishing. Anyone caught taking more than their limit of fish in will be barred from the Association.
15. In the event of any Poaching or Pollution incidents, please report to NRW on Free phone 0300 065 30000 and let the Honorary Secretary know as soon as possible. NRW Tel No is printed on your Permit.
16. The club car park at Tro Will has room for five cars only, please park with consideration for other anglers. The first car into the car park must park as far to the left hand side as possible so that others can park as close to the first car on the left. Do not park in the lane, and do not block the entrance to the field. Keep car noise to a minimum when fishing at night. Please take your litter home with you as we are under scrutiny to keep the car park clean and tidy. Anyone found to be breaking the rules governing the use of the car park to be barred from the association.
17. That any Member proved to have done wilful damage to property, hedges, fences, gates, banks, mowing grass, crops or land, broken any rule of the association, or to have conducted himself in any way likely to prove detrimental to the Association’s welfare shall be liable to expulsion from the Association. All complaints must be made in writing and addressed to the Honorary Secretary. Such complaints shall be heard and determined by the committee, but in every case, the member charged with an offence shall have the right of explanation. No legal aid or assistance by the Association can be given in any shape or form, and the decision of the committee shall be final. Any member or non-member caught poaching on Association waters, or any other water, will at the discretion of the committee, jeopardize his opportunity of becoming, or remaining a member, for a period consistent with the gravity of the offence.
18.That dog’s are strictly prohibited on association waters.
19.That no fishing except by fair rod and line shall be allowed.
20. All members must fish through a pool if requested by another member who is waiting to fish the same pool. Members must not commence fishing a pool downstream of a member who is already fishing down the pool. Members, who intend to fish through a pool that is already occupied by another angler, must commence fishing upstream of the first angler unless permission is given to start downstream in that pool.
21. That all disputes arising between Members as to matters connected with the Association shall be referred to and settled by the Committee, whose decision shall be final.
22. That any waters available for renting or leasing - the Lease Secretary to make preliminary enquires.
23. That all Leases, Agreements or purchases made on behalf of the Association shall be entered into the names of the Trustees.
24. That the Annual General Meeting of the association be held on the last Thursday in January of each year.
25. That the Committee is empowered to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting as and when it is considered necessary.
26. That the business of the Association at all meetings be recorded in the official Minute Book, which shall be kept by the secretary.
27. Any member nominated to serve on the Committee cannot be accepted if serving on the Committee of any other Angling Association.
28. No more than 3 members residing outside the Ammanford postal area to serve on the Committee at any given time.
29. That any Committee Member failing to attend two consecutive Committee Meetings without giving reasonable excuse will be deemed to have retired. The Full Committee shall meet at Quarterly intervals, (all to attend). The monthly committee meetings will continue as present, with the day to day running of the Association as its primary aim, along with any pending correspondence, this shall consist of Chairman, Hon Sec, Minute sec, Treasurer, Lease Sec, plus any others the Secretary feels should be present.
30. That the officers of the Association shall consist of President (ex - officio); Chairman; Vice Chairman (to be elected every two years); Honorary Secretary; Treasurer; Lease Secretary; Social Secretary and Minute Secretary. All present will have the right to vote (including trustees) with the Chairman having the casting vote should the need arise.
31. That the chairman be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting.
The Honorary Secretary and the Treasurer to be elected on alternate years every two years; Lease Secretary, Social Secretary and Minute Secretary every two years. Five Committee Members shall retire each year but shall be eligible for re-election without nomination.
That all officers of the club be nominated from the committee, and only after serving three years as a committee member, this rule to be waived at the committee’s discretion.
32. Other nominations for committee shall be sent to the secretary in writing at least one hour before the start of the annual A.G.M meeting, such nominations shall contain the name of the Proposer, Seconder, and the signed consent of the person nominated.
33. That the committee shall have the right to co-opt any member of the association if deemed necessary to serve on the committee or on any sub-committee.
34. That the Treasurer shall be provided with all the necessary books and shall be accountable to the Association for all money received by him and shall pay all such money into the Association’s banking accounts and shall make all payments as directed by the committee by cheque. The Treasurer and any other nominated officer shall sign all cheques issued by the association. All accounts of the Association shall be audited and reported upon by two members of the association to be appointed for the Annual General Meeting, and the Treasurer shall submit an audited Statement of Accounts to the Committee prior to the Annual General Meeting.
35. That no new rules shall be made or any of the rules contained herein or hereafter to be made shall be amended, altered or rescinded except with the consent of a majority of members at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for this purpose.
36. That only members of the committee will be considered for the post of club bailiff.
37. All Members who fish the Association waters do so at their own risk
38. That Members of the Association are bound to accept and carry out the foregoing rules. Any Member contravening the said rules shall be liable to expulsion at the discretion of the Committee.
All members are encouraged to take an active part in bank clearance days.